Three Dog Night
I chose this picture because it was literally and figuratively a 3 dog night in our house the other night. Last week our power went out...
Reflections on Greenbuild!
First new Blog post in a while! Last week was a very exciting week! I attended Greenbuild for the first time ever (and it was awesome,...
Why California Matters to Your Food Supply
California is currently experiencing the worst drought on record, and that is going to impact your food costs and supply, no matter where...
Sports and Community Resiliency
This is my first major blog entry. I was hoping to have worked a little more on this last week but had two job interviews in the Boston...
First Blog Post, Website Launched!
Welcome to my website and first blog post! I recently graduated from Boston Architectural College with a Masters of Design Studies in...
Resilient Crisis Cube
This image is part of my Thesis project, Disaster Preparation, Response, and Recovery through Resilient Thinking. More images from the...